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For years, I have served as a useful source to those seeking inspiration, help, or just searching for answers to what makes life worth it all . I finally decided to own that role and be intentional about it. I started writing about my passions, my thoughts, and curious wonderings about our world. I founded Yusra’s writing portal with a mission to give others a taste of what goes on in my mind, and I have been at it ever since.Take some time to explore the blog, read something interesting, and feel free to reach out if you would like to collaborate on a project together.
My mission is to inspire all through my writings and books and be a beacon of light We are all multidimensional beings in physical bodies and here to create abundance and sheer magic 

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Towards productivity and success !

Bad habits that will hamper your productivity and progress towards success! 

*Nothing sabotages your productivity quite like bad habits.

 *They are insidious, creeping up on you slowly until you don’t even notice the damage they’re causing on a long run.

*Bad habits slow you down, decrease your accuracy, make you less creative, and stifle your performance. Getting control of your bad habits is critical, and not just for productivity’s sake.“By constant self-discipline and self-control you can develop greatness of character.”

Some bad habits cause more trouble than others, and the nine that follow are the worst offenders. Shedding these habits will increase your productivity and allow you to enjoy the positive mood that comes with increased self-control . This will in turn take away every hardship and blossom it into a learning experience. It will become like a learning miracle that will miraculously make you grow and blossom in ways more than one.

  • Impulsively surfing the Internet.

    It takes you 15 consecutive minutes of focus before you can fully engage in a task. 

  • Once you do, you fall into a euphoric state of increased productivity called flow. Research shows that people in this flow state are five times more productive than they otherwise would be. When you click out of your work because you get an itch to check the news, Facebook, a sport’s score, or what have you, this pulls you out of flow. This means you have to go through another 15 minutes of continuous focus to reenter the flow state. Click in and out of your work enough times, and you can go through an entire day without experiencing flow.

  • Perfectionism: This can be explained by a simple example.

    Most writers

    spend countless hours brainstorming characters and plot, and they even write page after page that they know they’ll never include in the book. They do this because they know that ideas need time to develop. 

  • We tend to freeze up when it’s time to get started because we know that our ideas aren’t perfect and what we produce might not be any good. But how can you ever produce something great if you don’t get started and give your ideas time to evolve?

  • Meetings.

    Meetings gobble up your precious time like no other. Ultra-productive people avoid meetings as much as humanly possible. They know that a meeting will drag on forever if they let it, so when they must have a meeting they inform everyone at the onset that they’ll stick to the intended schedule. This sets a clear limit that motivates everyone to be more

    focused and efficient


  • Responding to e-mails as they arrive.

    Productive people don’t allow their e-mail to be a constant interruption. In addition to checking their e-mail on a schedule, they take advantage of features that prioritize messages by sender. They set alerts for their most important vendors and their best customers, and they save the rest until they reach a stopping point in their work. Some people even set up an autoresponder that lets senders know when they’ll be checking their e-mail again.

  • Hitting the snooze button.

    When you sleep, your brain moves through an elaborate series of cycles, the last of which prepares you to be alert at your wake up time. This is why you’ll sometimes wake up right before your alarm clock goes off—your brain knows it’s time to wake up and it’s ready to do so. When you hit the snooze button and fall back asleep, you lose this alertness and wake up later, tired and groggy. Worst of all, this grogginess can take hours to wear off. So no matter how tired you think you are when your alarm clock goes off, force yourself out of bed if you want to have a productive morning


  • Multitasking.

    Multitasking is a real productivity killer. Research conducted at Stanford University confirms that multitasking is less productive than doing a single thing at a time. The researchers found that people who are regularly bombarded with several streams of electronic information cannot pay attention, recall information, or switch from one job to another as well as those who complete one task at a time. When you try to do two things at once, your brain lacks the capacity to perform both tasks successfully


  • Using your phone, tablet, or computer in bed.

    This is a big one that most people don't even realize harms their sleep and productivity. Short-wavelength blue light plays an important role in your mood, energy level, and sleep quality. In the morning, sunlight contains high concentrations of this blue light. When your eyes are exposed to it directly, the blue light halts production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin and makes you feel more alert. In the afternoon, the sun's rays lose their blue light, which allows your body to produce melatonin and start making you sleepy.

By the evening, your brain doesn’t expect any blue light exposure and is very sensitive to it. Most of our favorite evening devices—laptops, tablets, televisions, and mobile phones—emit short-wavelength blue light, and in the case of your laptop, tablet, and phone, they do so brightly and right in your face. This exposure impairs melatonin production and interferes with your ability to fall asleep as well as with the quality of your sleep once you do nod off. As we’ve all experienced, a poor night’s sleep has disastrous effects upon productivity. The best thing you can do is to avoid these devices after dinner (television is OK for most people as long as they sit far enough away from the set).

  • Eating too much sugar.

    Glucose functions as the energy for the brain. You need glucose to concentrate on challenging tasks. With too little glucose, you feel tired, unfocused, and slow; too much glucose leaves you jittery and unable to concentrate. Research has shown that the sweet spot is about 25 grams of glucose. The tricky thing is that you can get these 25 grams of glucose any way you want, and you’ll feel the same—at least initially. The difference lies in how long the productivity lasts. Donuts, soda, and other forms of refined sugar lead to an energy boost that lasts a mere 20 minutes, while oatmeal, brown rice, and other foods containing complex carbohydrates release their energy slowly, which enables you to sustain your focus


Qualities of higher achievers!

😀Drive. They share an inner force that drives them to succeed in their tasks while at the same time keep finding new and more challenging tasks.

😀Competitive and assertive. These traditionally masculine tendencies are difficult for many women to master. To be up front and direct is not the way that traditional girls are raised to be. But high achieving woman usually manage to master these two tendencies, and become more rational in their arguments than emotional. Not that they do not also have a high emotional intelligence, but more that they can use both the rational and the emotional intelligence to express their thoughts and ideas.

😀Ego strength. Being able to feel confident about your own thoughts and ideas. Being realistic of your strengths and weakness and being able to  overcome challenges as they show up.

😀Perseverance. This is generally seen as high energy and vitality. Finding more energy in the challenge itself. The dark side is that it is sometimes difficult to relax.

😀Risk takers. This is another tendency that goes against our female archetype, as we were the gatherers and the creators of the nest. But high achieving women tend to be able to take controlled risks and have a high tolerance for stress.

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Fill in the voids within by getting enlightened!

Attaining enlightenment is a miracle.

Enlightenment truly means going beyond your ego self and capsulated self .

To unbound yourself and freeing yourself means healing

completely from within.

Enlightenment becomes easy to attain when you become self aware and Self conscious.

🦋Self knowledge is the beginning of enlightenment.knowledge of how to make yourself a better human being along with truly accepting all your good and bad qualities is the beginning of self acceptance.

🦋The idea of enlightenment is generally misunderstood as a remote, hard-to-attain state of knowledge and peace. And it is true that the fully matured state of enlightenment is far removed from the typical everyday existence of most people. However, the secret is that the seed of enlightenment is always with us and has always been a part of every moment of our life.

🦋Enlightenment is self-realization, and whenever we notice the presence of our awareness – that thing inside that is having an experience right now – we are touching our enlightenment. That self-recognition is the starting place of enlightenment, of our true abundant freedom.

💡As is your desire , so is your will. As is your will so is your way. As is your way so is your enlightenment . As is your enlightenment and so is your success.

💡This is a true mantra that thoroughly works.

🦋When we free ourselves at all levels we experience a good life, more peaceful and more vibrant. We have the freedom to make choices and the power of our intentions become stronger.

🦋 When we heal ,we let go of all the pain holding us back and this will help in us healing others and this world as well.

🦋Enlightenment is also achieved by practicing calm meditation which is a story we weave together from the thoughts, feelings, and emotions we experience each moment. Yet we live the majority of our lives in the memories of our past and the expectations of the future. Rarely do we live in the purity of the present – the only place that your true self can ever be found.

🦋Healing is integrating all the separate parts of yourself into one whole human being.

🦋It’s important to heal your body outside as well as your from within.

So often, we define ourselves as the roles we play in particular relationships or jobs. For example, the personal roles I’ve played include “I am a father,” “I am a husband,” “I am a doctor,” “I am a writer.”

🦋Becoming what You Believe, “When we ask ourselves the question, ‘Who am I?’ the natural response is to reach for answers that we can easily access – like the roles we play… or the race, or gender, or profession we are.”

The danger in identifying fully with these roles is that when, for whatever reason, these aspects of our lives – which we have used for so long to identify ourselves and to bring us self-esteem – stop satisfying our needs, we can feel a sense of loss, emptiness, or confusion.

Fortunately, there is a timeless way to recapture this connection to our true self: the practice of meditation. Oprah Winfrey goes on to say, “When we dig deeper and begin to unearth our true selves… we open ourselves to a brilliance and strength that can guide our lives to a whole new dimension.”

🦋Meditation allows us to go deeper and experience our own source. With this experience, we realize that we are not the patterns and eddies of desire and memory that flow and swirl in our consciousness. Although these patterns of desire and memory are the field of our manifestation, we are in fact not these swirling fluctuations of thought. We are the thinker behind the thought, the observer behind the observation, the flow of attention, the flow of awareness, the vast ocean of consciousness.

We spontaneously realize that we have choices, and that we can exercise these choices, spontaneously through meditation, we gradually bring harmony, laughter, and love back into our soul and, in the process, rediscover our unconditioned self, which can never really be lost.

By gently washing away the stress, tension, fear, and confusion that often accompany one who is at the crossroads, we can regain our connection to a calmer, more peaceful way of loving . And from that moment on, a life filled with joy, harmony, balance, and peace is ours for the asking.

Meditation is one of the best ways to loosen the grip of sticky emotions and connect to our true self, which isn’t limited, angry, or fearful, but is infinite, pure consciousness.

Meditation brings us home to the peace of present-moment awareness and gives us an experience of profound relaxation that dissolves fatigue and long-standing stresses and promotes both physical and emotional healing.

The benefits of meditation include:

• lowered blood pressure and hypertension

• slower heart rate

• decreased cholesterol levels

• reduced production of “stress hormones,” including cortisol and adrenaline

• more efficient oxygen use by the body

• increased production of the anti-aging hormone DHEA

improved immune function

Beyond these significant health benefits, the greatest gift of meditation is the sense of calm and inner peace it brings into our daily life. When we close our eyes even in prayer we go beyond the mind’s noisy chatter into an entirely different place: the silence of a mind that is not imprisoned by the past or the future.

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A poem close to my heart 

  Words As pure as Water 

I have always loved water. There’s something about it that draws me in and won’t let go.

I’m mesmerized by the surf in the sea

I would love to sleep by a rushing river.

I enjoy the quiet weightlessness while gliding under a pool’s surface. 

I am surprised at the beauty of a full moon glittering on a tranquil lake.

To me, water is vital

And for me, words are like water. 

They have the power to soothe, to cleanse, to nourish, to protect.

They are essential for life, but can quickly destroy one as well.

They relax and calm, support and uplift, improve moods and nurture souls.

And if used regularly and with great care, they keep us coming back for more.

Words are pure ! Just like the pure waters 

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 A WOMAN ...

A woman , powerful , beautiful, eccentric !

 As I write this I can't stop but think of the ways a woman inspires. Being a woman and living a daily life is different. To be able to view her from a distance to gather more about her is something else. 

She has many faces, forms and entitles.

She has many demons in her as well. The kind that make her the most beautiful and best as well as those that make her strong and daring . 

She has an appeal that no man can beat.

She can thrive in adversity.. in pain .. and in struggle.

She is as strong as a diamond and as soft as a blooming lotus flower. 

She is unstoppable and truly God gifted .

It's amazing what all she can do and where she can go.

Most of all it's eccentric and amazing the way she take you to places you have never seen before .

She can create spaces in you and can fill the gaps in them as well.

She is ever forgiving , ever dynamic , an empathy by nature.

Matter what circumstances she is in , she will be kind enough to show you the true meaning of life and how to live it .

She knows how to get things done in the  best possible ways.

A woman is a miracle of God... truly she is a superwoman, a superhero 

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Choose Happiness⭐️


 Joy and happiness are entities that come to us time and time again . It's a mere part of the journey of life to be happy. People make various reasons to be happy. Some speak of their families.. spouses... children . Some speak of their satisfying jobs and businesses. And they are few others who keep on speaking of being happy because of social norms like having a great social life .Some travel to unravel happiness and some others say good food and good health are the reasons. And many who put Money as the sole reason Joy and happiness are entities that come to us time and time again . It's a mere part of the journey of life to be happy. People make various reasons to be happy. Some speak of their families.. spouses... children . Some speak of their satisfying jobs and businesses. And they are few others who keep on speaking of being happy because of social norms like having a great social life .Some travel to unravel happiness and some others say good food and good health are the reasons. And many who put money as the sole reason for their happiness.  

But really, are we truly "Happy"?

This question stayed with me for years . I knew that in most part of my journey I was happy or at least thought that I was. 

 Happiness with a 'y' is very different from happiness . 

The happiness  with a 'y' is for 'I'.

😀I stand for happiness .

😀I have a reason to be happy by just being myself.

😀 am whole within and I don't need to search for happiness outside me .I am being human more than just a human being.

😀My life and choices are all mine. No one and nothing else can decide about it.

😀Of all the responsibilities that I have, staying true to my heart and my feelings are my greatest responsibility.

😀No one can take away my peace without my permission.

😀No one can stop me from being whole, happy and contented .

😀Happiness comes from doing things that make me feel happy.

😀Happiness comes from helping others and making their lives easier and not more difficult.

😀Happiness comes through hard work . There is absolutely no substitute for that.

😀Happiness comes from being honest ...Staying clean. 

😀Happiness comes from practicing forgiveness.

😀Happiness comes by practicing empathy.

😀Happiness comes by practicing kindness.

😀Happiness comes by practicing compassion. 

😀Happiness comes by giving unconditional love.

😀Happiness comes by practicing "Self love".

😀By truly loving myself first , I can project that love on everything and everybody else in my life .

A child does not need to be taught to smile.  Little children teach us to be happy simply for simple things in life.They are the best teachers.

As we grow and age, sadly, adults need to be taught to smile again.

This could be come from our inner dialogue (what we tell ourselves) based on our past experiences.

It could be the manner in which we talk to ourselves (negatively).

It could also be what the outside world has told us and how we are blindly following that life is just serious business.

This could be from people in our sphere of influence who have hurt us in the past.

It could be from the distorted messages the media feeds us on what happiness means or is which is based on falsehoods.

Life should be taken lightly.

When we choose to attach our happiness to something else or someone else it simply doesn't work that way or when we create reasons not to be happy and put conditions on it. 

Put up barriers and obstacles as to why we cannot feel it.

Identify reasons why we do not deserve it or feel unworthy.?





Always choose happiness !

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The 12 universal laws:

The Law of Divine Oneness - everything is connected to everything else. What we think, say, do and believe will have a corresponding effect on others and the universe around us.

Law of Vibration - Everything in the Universe moves, vibrates and travels in circular patterns, the same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires and wills in the Etheric world. Each sound, thing, and even thought has its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself.

Law of Action - Must be employed in order for us to manifest things on earth. We must engage in actions that supports our thoughts dreams, emotions and words

Law of Correspondence - This Universal Law states that the principles or laws of physics that explain the physical world energy, Light, vibration, and motion have their corresponding principles in the etheric or universe "As above, so below"

Law of Cause and Effect - Nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws.. Every Action(including thought) has a reaction or consequence "We reap what we sow"

Law of Compensation- The Universal Law is the Law of Cause and effect applied to blessings and abundance that are provided for us. The visible effects of our deeds are given to us in gifts, money, inheritances, friendships and blessings.

Law of Attraction - Demonstrates how we create the things, events and people that come into our lives Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies which, in turn attract like energies. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies.

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy - All persons have within them the power to change the conditions of their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change

Law of Relativity - Each person will receive as series of problems (Tests of Initiation/Lessons) for the purpose of strengthening the light within each of these tests/lessons to be a challenge and remain connected to our hearts when proceeding to solve the problems. This law also teaches us to compare our problems to others problem into its proper perspective. No matter how bad we perceive our situation to be, There is always someone who is in a worse position. Its all relative.

Law of Polarity - Everything is on a continuum and has and opposite. We can suppress and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on the opposite pole. It is the law of mental vibrations.

Law of Rhythm - Everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms.. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Each cycle reflects the regularity of God's Universe. Masters know how to rise above negative parts of a cycle by never getting to excited or allowing negative things to penetrate their consciousness.

Law of Gender - The law of gender manifests in all things as masculine and feminine. It is this law that governs what we know as creation. The law of gender manifests in the animal kingdom as sex. This law decrees everything in nature is both male and female. Both are required for life to exist.

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There are times in your past when you were not proud of yourself; not proud of the choices you made.

You might have been ashamed of yourself. You must have judged yourself harshly. 

You could not look yourself in the mirror. 

 You could not come to like yourself let alone love yourself.

LOVE is the most powerful GIFT you could give yourself in this   to love yourself unconditionally. Love yourself in the good times and bad because:

💡You are the only constant in your own life.

💡You need to be confident in who you are and what you believe in to live a world full of doubters and haters.

💡You do not have the right to be your own hater. Self-sabotage weakens your spirit and moves you away from love.

💡Forgive yourself for your past. Choose to heal from your past. Give yourself permission to walk with dignity and grace today. Love is what lets you grow and give for yourself.

🦋Love is silent . Love is the truth .As I sit here writing this piece I am in my full senses realizing the calmness of love and it's beauty. I Kept searching for it your whole life . Didn't quite realize it is right here within me .It's real.It is me.

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"Believe you can and you're halfway there" Theodore Roosevelt

A positive mindset can be defined as a mental and emotional attitude that consistently anticipates positive results. A person with a positive mindset presumes happiness will result and that any difficulty that could arise can be overcome easily.

It’s easy to instead dismiss yourself as a negative or neutral person, using an excuse like ‘that’s just the way I am’, but positivity is in fact an attribute that can be learnt and embedded into anyone’s life. A mind occupied by negative thoughts, feelings of failure, worry and self-loathing, will often lead to situations developing in the very way that person fears. Yet somehow ,it is more difficult to understand how the opposite end of the spectrum – the positive approach – can be of benefit.

Visualizing the favorable outcome and believing that it is possible is more likely to cause it to come to fruition. And, if it doesn’t, treating it as a chance to improve (rather than beating yourself up) will allow you to move forward and get that bit closer to what you hope to achieve. 

Many people assume that happiness follows success, but what if, actually, success follows happiness? Barbara Fredrick son, a positive psychology researcher at the University of North Carolina, conducted an experiment to explore what impact stirring positive emotions would have on people. She found that participants who experienced feelings of joy and contentment were able to express a future full of far more potential than those who had experienced negative feelings. Her experiment implies that thinking positively gives hope to a situation; with hope comes possibility, possibility opens one’s mind, and this in turn will enable one to build new skills. Frederick son refers to this as the “broaden and build” theory. Often someone with a positive attitude will walk tall and exude confidence, but adopting a positive approach can also help to build skills that will benefit you throughout life.

For example, an optimist will often try to improve situations through problem-solving – a fundamental skill for many a career. In contrast, a pessimist would tend to dwell or ignore such situations, and this can often cause prolonged stress, or worse, depression. Life will inevitably chuck bad things in our path, but it is how we deal with those incidences that impact the outcomes that follow. Having belief and seeing such circumstances as an opportunity to learn and grow will, in turn, have a positive impact on your physical and mental health.

 Suzanne Serger Storm, another positive psychology researcher agrees: “Optimists are in general both psychologically and physiologically healthier.” Serger storms research looked at the way people approached specific situations in their life. She found that those who were optimistic exhibited a stronger immune response than those who thought negatively. 

Twelve tips to positivity: 

1) Gratitude:Write down what you’re thankful for… Doing so will put things in perspective and gratitude will start to become an instinctive reaction.

2) Surround yourself with positive people… Your mood will be lifted and their behavior will begin to rub off on you.

3) Take care of yourself… Eating well and getting plenty of rest and exercise will help you to feel healthier both physically and mentally.

4) Take responsibility for actions… Instead of playing the role of the victim, try taking control of your life by learning from your mistakes.

5) Reach out to the community… It’s amazing what effect volunteering and helping others can have on the way you think.

6) Compliment others… Doing so regularly (and genuinely) will turn ‘looking for the good’ into an instinctive habit.

Read inspirational books and articles… Consuming positive material will have an effect on the way you think, ultimately encouraging positive thinking.

8) Consider the consequences… If you think you’re going to fail at something, the chances are you will. Don’t set yourself up for a fall!

9) Work towards a goal… This will help you to remain focused, giving you the motivation to overcome any obstacles.

10) Identify and replace negativity… recognize when you’re being negative and replace those thoughts with something more beneficial.

11) Practice makes perfect… The above won’t happen overnight so make sure you persevere with these practical tips.

12) Don’t give up… Keep persisting and  you will eventually get there.

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I let GO ...

I Let Go
I let go. Without a thought or a word, i let go.I let go of fear. I let go of the judgments. I let go of the influence of opinions swarming around my head.I let go of the indecisions within me. I let go of all the ‘right’ reasons. Wholly and completely, without hesitation or worry...I just let go.I didn’t ask anyone for advice. I  didn’t read abook on how to let go… I just let go.I let go of all of the memories that held me back. I let go of all of the anxiety that kept me from moving forward. I let go of the planning and all of the calculations about how to do it just right.i didn’t promise to let go. I didn’t journal about it. I didn’t write the projected date in my day-timer.I made no public announcement and put no ad in the paper. I didn’t check the weather report or read a daily horoscope. I just let go.I didn’t analyse whether i should let go. I didn’t call my friend to discuss the matter. I didn’t do a five-step Spiritual Mind Treatment.I didn’t utter one word and just let go.No one was around when it happened. There was no applause or congratulations. No one thanked or praised meNo one noticed a thing. Like a leaf falling from a tree, I just let go.There was no effort. There was no struggle. It wasn’t good and it wasn’t bad. It was what it was, and it is just that.In the space of letting go,I let it all be. A small smile came over my face. A light breeze blew through meAnd the sun and the moon shone forevermore.                         .

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